torsdag 4. august 2011

Retro camping!

Retro camping has become quite a popular term and I think it is so charming, one cannot help but fall in love with the idea. So I have just found a hobby to keep me busy till next summer. My parents have a mobile van which we have occasionally lent/borrowed ;) Everytime I sit in their van I dream of fixing it up. Well today I got hold of a 1971 caravan which I now am going to fix up,....alas we only get to fetch her tomorrow but I cannot withhold the excitement! The great problem is choosing a style as the inspiration is huge!

Isnt this tear drop trailer just too cute, found her at

This interior is just wonderfully relaxing! Stolen from:

...and the best for last, this is such an amazing interior, one seldom sees such assuredness in style!

found at:
These pictures are from a fabulous book called "my cool caravan" I have ordered it!

So I hope you spend you summer afternoons dreaming like I do and if any of dreams come true you will be sure to see them as I will proudly post them as they get done ;)

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