Reaching for the sky, to such a degree it shaded out a whole lot of sun for my paprika (which was not such a success but will teach me to plan better in future!)
Growing vegies in a box like this was such a success no hassles and no weeds! Just a whole lot of cow manure! (French Estragon next to it with yellow flowers was amazing too.)
Well, we never even got to cook them, they were just soooo good to go pick and nibble on that they never got further, little bowls like this just dissappeared? ;)
Hopefully next year the excitement of it all will have cooled and I actually can use them in my cooking or even freeze? Will have to see if it is a good idea though.
Mmmm! Disse så friske og gode ut:)) sommeren fløy forbi og jeg fikk aldri sådd noen erter denne sesongen..Men neste sommer, da skal jeg også knaske i meg disse sunne søte og kjempegode sukkerertene:) Klem Ellen.